The Hilarious Chronicles of a Soccer Mama

Welcome to the wild world of being a soccer mama! Buckle up for a humorous ride as we navigate the glorious chaos that comes with being a proud, sometimes frazzled, and often comically overwhelmed soccer mom.

Chapter 1: The Gear Gauntlet

On any given Saturday, you can find me wading through a sea of neon-colored cleats and mismatched socks. How many pairs of shoes can one child possibly have? I swear I’ve seen pairs that rival an eye-catching shoe store display. It’s as if these kids think they’re playing in the World Cup instead of the local ten-and-under league.

Let’s not even start on the intricacies of shin guards. Apparently, they’ve become the latest fashion statement. Who knew that a piece of plastic could be both a protective gear and a stepping stone to a soccer fashion show? I mean, who cares about matching when you can sport “safety chic?”

Chapter 2: The Snack Olympics

As the whistle blows and the game ensues, I’m multitasking like a pro. On one hand, I’m cheering on my little soccer star, while on the other, I’m attempting to distribute organic fruit snacks, gluten-free granola bars, and maybe a juice box or two. So basically, chips, Rice Krispies, wine (oops that’s my bag), fruit snacks and cookies. I say tomato, you say tomahto. My car now doubles as a mobile snack shop, and I’m pretty sure I could start my own food truck with the amount of snacks I haul around.

Forget soccer drills; my skills are in snack juggling. Judging by the intensity of my child’s stare, you’d think I held the secret to winning the game in my snack bag. Nothing brings focus like an apple slice and a whiff of desperation! Half the kids don’t like fruit, so I need to come up with something quick…uncrustables and gogurts! Sold. Let’s hit it. We can grab donuts on the way and be the hit of the crowd, well with the kids. Parents will hate me! Oh well.

Chapter 3: The Enthusiastic Pep Talks

You’d think I was coaching a Premier League team based on the fervor of my pep talks. “You’ve got this, buddy! Just remember to run, kick, and aim for the net!” Who knew my motivational skills would reach such epic proportions? By the end of it, even I’m ready to join the game, fueled by adrenaline and an overindulgent amount of caffeine.

Of course, all that enthusiasm flies out the window the moment I realize I left my folding chair at home. Nothing says “soccer mama” like awkwardly balancing on the sidelines while trying to channel my inner David Beckham.

Chapter 4: The Sideline Drama

Ah, the sidelines—the stage for all sorts of riveting drama. From navigating parent politics (yes, Janet, we see your child’s questionable offside calls) to dealing with the occasional toddler tantrum, I’ve experienced it all.

Then there’s the ultimate test of patience: dodging flying sports equipment. Between rogue soccer balls and errant water bottles, it’s a miracle I haven’t developed a sideline dodgeball strategy. Forget taking cover; I’m seriously considering a helmet and knee pads for the next game. I can’t even walk to the bathroom without getting smacked in the back with a ball on a field where there isn’t even a game playing. Maybe the good soccer ball chiropractic adjustment will help with these knots in my shoulders from the heavy soccer snack bags. Ok cool. This kind of morning! Bring it on Lil Messi! I’m over tired and under caffeinated.

Chapter 5: The Post-Game Analysis

Once the game ends, it’s time for the much-anticipated “how did it go?” debrief. Surprisingly, my child’s expectations are far more ambitious than mine. "I could’ve scored a GOAL!" they announce, arms flailing enthusiastically. And I’m over here just relieved they didn’t trip over their own feet for the seventh time.

And the conversations that follow? Pure comedy. It's like interviewing a future sports analyst who only wants to talk about their friend's new kicks instead of the actual game. Forget strategy discussions; it’s all about who had the coolest socks or who snuck the most snacks during halftime! But in all honesty, my son’s soccer team has the best kids. They are upbuilding to each other and are almost always coming off the field with wide smile grins. It really is amazing watching these little guys play.

Chapter 6: Added bonus

Your child’s coach is actually their father and your husband. This adds to the fun of him stressed out about the All-Star games, running field to field to referee for these lovely Pinterest moms with their zero sugar zero taste iced white mocha with elephant milk. Dressing so adorable; whereas I, the coach’s wife, who has to talk to everyone look like I slept in my clothes and wore yesterday’s makeup. Not only do I need snacks for the kids, but I need an orange Celsius packet and Snickers bar to feed my angry beast hubby, so I don’t bury him on the grade. Our marriage is 98% amazing until soccer season, it’s all downhill with lots of threats and me with water bottles that I jump across my stadium chairs to keep my kids from drinking. New “vitamin water” for mommy.

Epilogue: The Soccer Mama Legacy

At the end of the day, being a soccer mama is a beautiful blend of chaos, laughter, and unforgettable moments. It’s about supporting our little athletes while mastering the art of snack distribution, dodging drama, and finding humor in every situation.

So, here’s to the wild ride of being a soccer mama—may our supply of granola bars never run dry, may we survive the raging sideline debates about the horrendous refs, and may our kids always know we are their biggest fans, even when the hat-tricks turned into pratfalls! Or their rainbows gets them carded for their 5th header. Let it go man!

Now, who wants to grab a post-game Mommy snack? There may be a relocation and change of number required. Haha.

Happy Saturday

Janthina Talbot Wittwer

Happy wife and mama of four. Business owner and now lifestyle blogger. I am excited for this new adventure.


What I have learned about being a parent…


Embracing the Love That Comes with Being a Mama