Janthina Talbot Wittwer Janthina Talbot Wittwer

What I have learned about being a parent…

-When you become a parent, you are no longer the center of your own universe. Listen sister, that ship has sailed. You should have kept it in his pants if you wanted to continue to be the center of your own universe. Children need you to be present and available. They do not need the selfish lady who slept until noon and stayed on her phone for hours because popcorn and wine were her food staples. They do not need a mama who is taking 30,000 selfies instead of spending quality time with them. They need to be the center of your universe. They need to be put first. This doesn’t mean for you to lose yourself. You need to still be a priority but sorry girlfriend, being number 1 ain’t it!

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Janthina Talbot Wittwer Janthina Talbot Wittwer

Blended Family

Not step, not half, just family. Navigating a blended family

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